2006 Wales Book of the Year - Shortlist
The 2006 Wales Book of the Year Shortlist is:
(English) To Babel and Back by Robert Minhinnick;
 ,Body Beautiful by Ifor Evans, Ice Trap by Kitty Sewell;
and (Welsh) Gwynfor Rhag Pob Brad by Rhys Evans, Llen Yr Uchelwyr by Dafydd Johnston, Rara Avis by Manon Rhys.
The winners will be announced on will be announced on 11 July 2006 when each will receive a prize of £10,000.
Long List (English)
- Carole Cadwalladr: The Family Tree (Doubleday)
- Russell Celyn Jones: Ten Seconds from the Sun (Little, Brown)
- Gwyneth Lewis: Two in a Boat (Fourth Estate)
- Jo Mazelis: Circle Games (Parthian)
- Christopher Meredith: The Meaning of Flight (Seren)
- Robert Minhinnick: To Babel and Back (Seren)
- Kitty Sewell: Ice Trap (Honno)
- Owen Sheers: Skirrid Hill (Seren)
- Ifor Thomas: Body Beautiful (Parthian)
- Nia Williams: Persons Living or Dead (Honno)
Long List (Welsh)
- Eigra Lewis Roberts: Oni Bai... (Gwasg Gomer)
- Manon Rhys: Rara Avis (Gwasg Gomer)
- Alan Llwyd: Clirio'r Atig a Cherddi Eraill (Cynhoeddiadau Barddas)
- Mihangel Morgan: Digon o Fwydod (Cyhoeddiadau Barddas)
- Sian Eirian Rees Davies: I Fyd Sy Well (Gwasg Gomer)
- Nia Medi: Omlet (Gwasg Gwynedd)
- Meinir Pierce Jones: Y Gongol Felys (Gwasg Gomer)
- Rhys Evans: Gwynfor: Rhag Pob Brad (Y Lolfa)
- Menna Baines: Yng Ngolau'r Lleuad: Ffaith a Dychymyg yng Ngwaith Caradog Prichard (Gwasg Gomer)
- Dafydd Johnston: Llên yr Uchelwyr: Hanes Beirniadol Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg 1300-1525 (Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru)
To Babel and Back
by Robert Minhinnick
Robert Minhinnick is on a journey across a radioactive planet. Researching the use of depleted uranium in modern weapons, the writer follows a deadly trail from the uranium mines of the USA into Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Here, he is led into the temples of a deserted Babylon and to what his guides insist is the site of the Tower of Babel, and to the horrors of Iraqi society in the years after the first Gulf War. Interspersed with these 'radioactive writings', which seem part documentary, part dream, are essays on a host of different places. Minhinnick pursues Dante through Florence, sees the world through the eyes of Mr Ogmore from 'Under Milk Wood', and searches for a poem given to him by a murdered schoolgirl. The contemporary world is simultaneously familiar and bizarre, yet when Minhinnick is 'back' in his native Wales, its coastline and valleys are as extraordinary as anything encountered in a Babel that might be myth or alarmingly real."
More information and prices from:
- British pounds
- - US dollars
- Australian Dollars
- Canadian dollars
- Euros
- Euros
The Ice Trap
by Kitty Sewell
The Ice Trap is a contemporary novel set in Cardiff and in Moose Creek, a remote sub-arctic community in Northern Canada. It is a gripping mystery with a vivid sense of place. A 46-year-old Welsh surgeon's life is turned upside down by a letter from teenaged twins in the Canadian Arctic, claiming to be his children. With his marriage in ruins, he goes back to this remote ice-bound town, intending to solve the mystery of the children he cannot remember fathering. The truth turns out to be more extraordinary than he ever imagined, and changes the course of his life.
More information and prices from:
- British pounds
- - US dollars
- Australian Dollars
- Canadian dollars
- Euros
- Euros
Body Beautiful
by Ifor Thomas
The subject matter of this book could hardly be more sobering - it chronicles the poet's experience of being diagnosed with prostate cancer, of undergoing surgery and then of entering recovery. The book's title, although taken from one of the few poems in the collection which are not about cancer, nonetheless summarises how many people will feel towards a disease which is regarded with dread. As might be expected, much if the material is unsettling, poignant and chilling, and yet the poet's characteristic humour - very black on occasions - is displayed frequently.
More information and prices from:
- British pounds
- - US dollars
- Australian Dollars
- Canadian dollars
- Euros
- Euros
Gwynfor: Rhag Pob Brad
gan Rhys Evans
Mae'r gyfrol hon yn garreg filltir bwysig yn hanesyddiaeth Cymru. Ceir yma ddadansoddiad manwl o yrfa gwladgarwr Cymreig pwysicaf yr ugeinfed ganrif, a chronicl hefyd o hanes y gendl dros drigain mlynedd a mwy.
Prynwch y llyfr:
- British pounds
- - US dollars
- Australian Dollars
- Canadian dollars
- Euros
- Euros
Llên Yr Uchelwyr: Hanes Beirniadol Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg 1300-1525
gan Dafydd Johnston
Gwaith Beirdd yr Uchelwyr yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar ddeg a'r bymthegfed oedd uchafbwynt traddodiad barddol Cymraeg yr Oesoedd Canol. Hon yw'r gyfrol gyntaf i gynnig darlun cynhwysfawr ac awdurdodol o lenyddiaeth y cyfnod hwnnw yn ei holl agweddau. Rhoddir ystyriaeth fanwl i rai o gewri'r cywydd megis Dafydd ap Gwilym, Iolo Goch, Guto'r Glyn, Dafydd Nanmor, Lewys Glyn Cothi a Thudur Aled.
Prynwch y llyfr:
- British pounds
- - US dollars
- Australian Dollars
- Canadian dollars
- Euros
- Euros
Rara Avis
gan Manon Rhys
Aderyn prin - rara avis - yw Branwen Dyddgu Roberts.
A hithau'n byw yn un o gymoedd glofaol y de yn yr 1950au, mae hi'n teimlo 'ar wahân'
ac yn 'wahanol' ar sawl cyfri. Mae hi'n blentyn mewnblyg, annibynnol ei natur a phrin
ei ffrindiau; yn byw gyda'i mam unig mewn ty mawr y tu ôl i wal uchel, yn gwbl ar wahân
i'r tai teras o'i gwmpas. Mae ei hiaith yn ei gosod ar wahân mewn ardal Seisnigedig; mae
ei chyfrifoldeb am ei mam yn drwm. Ac yn wahanol i bawb arall yn ei byd bach cyfyng, does
ganddi ddim tad.
Ar ben y cyfan, hoff le'r ferch fach hon sy'n gwybod y cyfan ond yn deall dim yw mynwent. Yno, gall guddio mewn hen feddau simsan a chreu ei byd bach diogel ei hun.
Trwy gyfrwng bydolwg hynod Branwen a'i lleisiau amrywiol, ddoe a heddiw, dadlennir ei stori ddirdynnol - ond un sydd, trwy'r cyfan, yn byrlymu o hiwmor rhyfeddol..
Prynwch y llyfr:
- British pounds
- - US dollars
- Australian Dollars
- Canadian dollars
- Euros
- Euros